All About Tea and It’s Healing Powers

Kaylee Noland
All About Tea and It’s Healing Powers

Tea is nature’s original medicine. Whether you have a headache, stomach issues, or are just feeling a bit blue, there's a tea to support you! The healing powers a cup of tea can bring are extraordinary!   

The OG Medicine 

Legend has it that in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree with boiled drinking water when leaves from a tree got blown into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion and viola! Tea was born. 

The healing powers of tea have been used and studied for millennia. However, these ancient elixirs are making quite a therapeutic comeback for modern health struggles and even managing the aging process. In fact, one study looked at the elderly and found a positive association between drinking tea and increasing cognitive function. Tea not only wakes you up, but it wakes up your neurons as you age and slows the process! 

Each type or blend of tea has different healing benefits designed for different body systems. Whether you want to boost your immunity, are aiming for weightloss, or even have a hangover, nature has a formula! 


In Japan, the most consumed beverage is one of the most healthful in the world. The health benefits of green tea are evident in the health of the Japanese as the Japanese have the lowest rates of obesity among men and women as well as one of the longest life expectancies. The number of benefits that green tea has been immeasurable. Made from onoxidized leaves, the least processed type of tea is Green Tea. For this reason, it contains the most antioxidants. Because of this, green tea is extremely anti-inflammatory. Numberous studies have shown the anti-inflammatory properties that green tea has, specifically for the heart and brain. 

Several studies reveal that green tea may be protective against cardiovascular disease and supportive of the cardiovascular system as a whole due to the polyphenolic compounds in green tea exerting vascular protective effects. Similarly, polyphenolic compounds are equally protective for the brain. Research indicates that green tea intake may reduce the risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. 


From England to India to China, black tea is the most consumed beverage in the world besides water! It’s stronger in flavor and contains more caffeine than other teas, but has less caffeine than coffee. Black tea has an earthy flavor and contains various health benefits with an affinity to support the cardiovascular system specifically. In fact, a review of studies looking at the effects of black tea on blood pressure found that drinking black tea reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly!  

Pesticides heavily contaminate many black teas now unfortunately.  Some research claims that many black teas, specifically, are heavily contaminated and have massive pesticide residues. One assessment study concluded that out of various black tea samples, twenty-four (40%) of the samples contained pesticides in a concentration higher than the maximum residue limit (MRL) set by the European Commission (EC). Furthermore, concentrations of pesticides in infusion were raised during brewing! Thus, it is always important to buy organic black tea when possible to avoid a large number of pesticides!  


The least processed and most light in flavor is white tea! Harvesting begins before the tea plant's leaves are open fully. The name "white" tea comes from the fine white hairs that cover the young buds while harvesting. 

White team is an extremely anti-inflammatory beverage because it is highly unprocessed. Here's a fact for you; antioxidants are beneficial for fighting chronic health conditions such as cancer. In fact, white tea may inhibit the spread of cancer cells! According to a journal from Cancer Prevention Research, white tea extract was found to cause the death of lung cancer cells while other research concluded that White tea may inhibit proliferation of the colon cancer cell line.


Dried herbs, flowers and spices make up herbal tea. With hundreds of different types of new and traditional formulas, herbal teas can come in a wide range of tastes, flavors, and benefits for the body.   

In India, a very popular herbal tea is Turmeric. With it's bright golden color and spicy, earthy profile, It's hard to not love this tea. Simply, steep fresh or dried turmeric in water to make yourself a cup. 

Curcumin is one of the main healthful compounds in turmeric tea. Not only is curcumin beneficial for the physical for its anti-inflammatory properties, but research claims that it is also extremely beneficial for mood and may help with depression symptoms! 

Another popular herbal tea is Hibiscus! Pink flowers of the hibiscus plant make up this tea! This beverage is especially popular in Western Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. It has a refreshing, tart flavor and offers various health benefits such as reducing high blood pressure as well lowering cholesterol. 

Yerba mate tea is another popular herbal tea that has various health benefits. Because of this, this tea is the national drink in many South American countries! It contains many antioxidants and has been researched to be beneficial for diabetes and weight loss, aid in digestion, and even help with depression. Although Yerba mate is one of the rare herbal teas containing caffeine, the amount of caffeine is less than an average cup of coffee.  

With many more varieties of herbal teas available on the market, the options are endless in terms of flavors and health benefits! So next time you want to relax, curl up with a cup of tea and embrace the mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual healing powers it brings.